- I have never drunk so many hot things in my life - hot water with cinnamon, hot water with lemon slice, fifteen thousand types of tea. I'm likin' it.
- I am taking the micro buses (a form of public transportation here) by myself. Today was my first complete day flying solo. What an adventure! The agressive St. Louis side comes out when having to flag these suckers down.
- I am sleeping with 1 sheet, 2 blankets, & 2 down covers... not to mention I wear two sweaters while sleeping. They call me "fríalenta" - meaning my ice cube transformation rapidly.
- Visited Pablo Neruda's other house yesterday. I love literature and relating to the author in such ways. I finally was able to buy his "Odas Elementales" book. All I can say is that he loves his colored glass, his watermelon, and obviously his women.
- So I saw a couple devouring each other in kissing yesterday. I shall never accustom myself to such frankness. This kid's mouth was open more than when I eat a monster Subway sandwich.
- I am loving my Chilean family, especially the mother.
Gracias a Dios, I was given the opportunity to spend five months in a country and a continent I have always wanted to go to, speak a language I love, and spend time with a culture I adore. It is an honor to be here in Chile. Mucho gusto.