Once upon a time I wanted to spend a whole day in a Chilean bakery. So I got up my guts, talked with an owner of a bakery, made of fool out of myself, bought all white clothes, and my dream became a reality today. "Why the heck would you want to spend a day in a bakery?" That is the common question I have received from most. Honestly, baking is an ART form here. In the USA, most of the time we have our bread packaged or in a small, neglected section of Wal-Mart. Not so here. Almost every corner offers the smell of fresh-baked bread, with over 6 types to salivate over. This particular bakery is known for its bread, while others are known for its pastries. Another day for that one.
This was one of the first steps in making the French bread. It was a tie between being a trained juggler and a professional baker. So fast!
I could not help but laugh at the violence involved in this process, the pan de pañuelo. Jaime honestly should join a volleyball team, front center.
There is so much to learn in life. Honestly, no matter how much you think you know, you always are missing out on some part of God's creativity. Baking is such an intricate process, not nearly as easy as most people think. Today I learned not only the different types of Chilean bread -- but I made friends with the amazing baker, had some laughs with the owner, almost had a flour fight, and had a bundle of fun baking all morning.
One of my goals in life is to help people realize that you don't have to go partying all night while drinking alcohol from dawn to dusk. There is so much beauty and diversion swirling around us and within our grasp that we miss on a daily basis. CARPE DIEM, be a life long learner.