Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Give Thanks

In a nutshell, the city of Mendoza, Argentina was one of my favorite trips I've taken here; I never thought I would enjoy it so much. For pictures and more stories, I refer you to the link "Argentine Adventure" (remember, you can click on the thumbnails to see in a larger format)
Fall is one probably my favorite seasons -- perhaps because of the leaves, the bonfires, or maybe because of Thanksgiving. Each time I travel, I become more grateful for my country, my family, or other things I tend to take for granted. On the other side, seeing other ways of life also allows you to appreciate the simple things of life, loving both the host culture as well as your own. Therefore, just imagine what 5 months in another country can do to a person. :)

HAPPY THANKSGIVING! A verr... It shall be in a Chilean version, I suppose.
I am thankful for:
-my ears to hear whatever genre of music on the micro bus, the cats screaming outside my window at night, the ocean waves, a laugh, a voice.
-my nose to smell fish markets, lavender, perfume/cologne, bakery goodies.
-my arms to hug.
-my feet to dance, to skip merrily about, to hike up killer hills, to walk out of obscene classroom discussions.
-my eyes. my eyes to see. to see all the beautiful and majestic creation God has given to us, simply overlooked.
-my health, only three flea bites and a few bruises from different "adventures." nothing more serious than that.
-my comfy bed where I sleep every night, avoiding extreme cold or heat.
-eating three times a day, if not more. not having to look through the garbage cans on each street hoping for the next meal.
-security. trust. I love how in America we can ask a friendly stranger nearby to keep an eye on our stuff while we go to the bathroom... or leave our laptops openly out in the library as we go grab lunch in the next building.
-warm showers in general.
-nondripping faucets.
-wearing a backpack as a backpack, not hanging and protected in the front.
-always having toilet paper fully loaded in the stall in the bathrooms, in restaurants and random stores alike. the end.
-buying fish without the bones, not having to worry about politely taking out the 73 mini-bone structures found in a fish.
-my own car and little scooter. although I don't mind public transportation at all now, I have come to realize what a privilege it is to sit down in a car and be driven directly to a place. ever thought about it?
-the ability to read and write. boy, we take this for granted.
-being raised with old-fashioned ideals, to be a lady (although I don't seem to always achieve this)
-everything my parents have done, said, given, and shown to me -- such trust, respect, freedom, wisdom, maturity, love mutually given. thank you.
-to be in Chile for 5 months, to reunite with dear friends and my family upon return.

Above all, I am so grateful for my intimate, precious relationship with Christ. He not only gives me a purpose & hope in living life day-to-day but a pure joy & satifaction in doing so...

de tal manera me amó
de tal manera me amó
cristo en la cruz
del calvario murió
de tal manera me amó


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