Friday, July 23, 2010

Canine Criminal

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My life is NEVER BORING!!

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In Other Words...

This past Sunday, we sang a new worship song but based on an old, familiar verse.
Luke 10:27 : "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind."

Right in the middle of the song, I received this simple yet somehow profound interpretation of the song lyrics.

In other words,
"Love the Lord" -- GLORIFY HIM ...
heart = emotionally
mind = intellectually
strength = physically
all wrapped up into "soul" = spiritually

This might seem quite obvious, but each of these areas play out differently in our lives. Each of us struggle with maybe one more than the other. Some struggle with logic getting in the way of our faith (loving Him with all our mind), or maybe we are constantly looking to a significant other to fill empty holes of our life (loving Him with all our heart), or maybe we think we are all-sufficient with our muscles, height and external features (loving Him with all our strength). Either way, all three components should be encapsulated by loving Him with our soul. Doing every task, thinking every thought, seeing every situation-- with the intention of glorifying Him.

How hard is this verse to live out?

But thank goodness HE ALONE is perfect. :)