Sunday, January 24, 2010

Todo o Nada

Someday we will finish my "Torres del Paine" trip. PROMISE. ;)

This past week I started student-teaching at a high school. Eventually, I believe I will have to teach all of the classes, including four Spanish 3 classes and two Spanish 4 classes. Although I leave exhausted everyday, I truly enjoy what I am doing. I truly am grateful to be able to speak Spanish whenever I want. Actually, most of the time I speak Spanish because I am illiterate in English anymore... for example, I told one class during some instructions that "bliss was ignorance," which produced quite a roar within the four walls. Oh well, maybe they'll feel freer to make mistakes while learning Spanish with me.

However, I've also recognized that teaching is a lot like our walks with Christ. For instance, we can just do enough to "get by" as a teacher, not preparing a lot or not being available for students. It's like each day in the classroom is out of routine, instead of mixing it up and making it more interactive. Some people choose to be teachers for the mere sake of the 3-month summer breaks; some people say they're Christians simply out of tradition or to have a mask. On the other hand, you have those teachers who are at school early, stay after, prepare whenever they have a chance, are constantly reexamining the day to make improvements, and really want what's best for the students. With ALL their heart.

I don't know about you, but I want to be that type of Christian...
not to mention, that type of teacher...
That tis all that is on my pea brain today.

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