Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Men in the Yellow Cabs

The men in the yellow cabs never cease to provide an adventure in my life here.  As stated in my facebook post yesterday, a taxi driver graded my Spanish skills during our six minute drive last night.  Just in case you were curious, I passed; I received an A from him.

Tonight's taxi ride, an eight-minute drive, still has me laughing.  
It's slightly PG-11, so you may stop reading if desired.....

First, I got this $2 taxi ride for $1.50 because I bargained him down and did my, "I'm a pitiful but cute gringa and don't make much money as teacher" face.  He agreed to my terms, mainly because of the protruding lower lip.  Then, within that eight-minute time frame, we progressed from me living here in Cuenca, me not having a cuencano boyfriend, how jealous/possessive Latino men can be, him finding out that I'm not having sex with boys here in Cuenca, me being a virgin because of my faith & for other logical reasons that I strongly believe in, him being shocked and almost speechless by this fact, and finally me being congratulated for being a virgin.  End of ride.  To describe this conversation, the word "progression" would be an understatement.

After 24 years of saving myself for marriage, it honestly does not bother me one bit to talk about this subject with anybody at anytime, but it was just HILARIOUS how in eight minutes we jumped from topic-to-topic, ending up talking about my sex life (or shall we say, the lack thereof).

Thank you, South America, once again for the laugh.

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